How to make your own wine...

Published on by Nebuchadnezzar

If you like wine, you probably love food as well...!

Let's try to understand wine as a recipe!


1. Pick up a certain quantity of matured grapes

(99,9% of all wines of the world are made by grapes.)


2. Put those grapes into a container, clean of course!


3. Crush the grapes to extract the juice


4. Then wait.

During this time, a natural process happens: it's called the Fermentation. The yeasts (small organism naturally present on the grapes), in contact with juice, "eat" the sugar and transform it into alcohol.


5. Wait a bit longer and taste your elixir as often as you like elixir until the taste corresponds to your taste.


6. Bottle your wine


7. Create a label and stick it on the bottle


8. And finally drink it and enjoy!


You see, be a winemaker is not so difficult!


You can watch below a video, "The last drop", which will help you to realize this recipe! Good luck!



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